You tell us who you would like to rehome, We send you pictures and details, You like the dragon and want it.
We then make an appointment to do a home visit with the dragon
If you have everything it needs and the dragon is settled when it meets you, We then ask you to sign some paperwork
You are then offered to make a donation to help with costs
The dragon is then handed over to yourself
We leave you with a care pack to keep you going for a few days
ABOUT US and our work
Our rescue service started in early 2024 after it became apparent there was a need for a safe house for bearded dragons mainly in the north west.
We are the only UK's dedicated bearded dragon rescue, we only deal with dragons, however we will attend any rescue for a LIZARD
PLEASE NOTE: We are not able to rescue any SNAKES, SPIDERS, TORTOISE, TURTLE, FROGS ect we only rescue LIZARDS
Since we started many dragons have been rescued, rehabilitated and rehomed throughout the UK.
Do you have a bearded dragon you cant handle?
If the answer is yes contact us as we can help with hints and tips to help you and we also offer bearded dragon training program.
There are an increasing number of lizards being kept as pets, quite often without the correct information being given about the care, resulting in many lizards suffering through lack of knowledge.
A whole lot of information found on the internet and pet stores are not 100% correct as we have been there many years ago and we do visit pet stores to see what information they are giving to the public so if you want sound advice visit a reptile store or contact us as we have over 40 years experiance.
One thing we hate and we see it a lot is that a pet store will sell a 2x2x2ft glass fish tank and tell you thats perfect for a bearded dragon.
This information is 100% wrong a bearded dragon needs a viverium 4x2x2ft and thats the bare minimum.
This is the law not just us saying it ( Ref Animal welfare act )
A fully grown bearded dragon could quite easily be better housed in a 5x2x3ft and we advise all customers to house a bearded dragon in as large a viverium as possible, Please do not waste money on a small viverium only having to get a larger viverium a few months later. Get it right from the start.
Another problem is people are told you can keep more than one dragon in a vivarium. Again this is not at all correct as dragons live alone in the wild unless they are coming together for breeding, So please never have more than one per vivarium.
One more that we hate is when you are told dragons do not drink water this is without a doubt in our minds crule and 100% neglect and again is against the animal welfare act, regardless if a dragon will drink water or not a fresh water bowl should be offered every day
We have bearded dragons looking for good loving homes ( Rehoming Tab ) and we never house a lizard without knowing it will be its forever home and we have to be 100% sure you have the setup needed to care for the lizard and you will be required to show photos of your setup, Please do not be put off if we say your setup is not correct and we will work with you to make sure you have everything you need so you have a trouble free lizard.
If you have to give up your lizard to us please can we ask you also donate the viverium and all equipment as we are always looking for extra stuff as if we cant use it we sell it via ebay and all funds raised help pay the costs of having the lizards and the biggest is our electric bill. Or if you lizard has gone to the reptile heaven we would also accept the vivs and equipment,
If you are unable to donate equipment we can also accept paypal donations and every penny really helps us.
From the 1st of october 2024 we will be offering a reptile amberlance service so what is this?
So we are adding our service for LIZARDS ONLY and it will work like this, We taxi you and your lizard to the local reptile vets and the service is 100% free and we just ask for a donation to help cover the costs for running the service, You can also pre book us and the service will run from 9am to 6pm every day of the week, We will also offer a out of hours emergency service so if your lizard is sick and you need to get to the vets we can come and get you to take your lizard to the vets and take you back home.
EMERGENCIES, If your lizard has had a accident we will come and visit with our reptile first aid kit and in the reptile amburlance and can deal with minor problems on the spot and should we feel a vet is needed we have our own vet on call 24x7 and this is Liverpool University reptile vets and they have their own charges that you will need to pay, or you can use your own reptile vet. Again this is a 100% free service and only ask for a donation to help cover the costs and just for information the reptile first aid kit costs over £500 per year, Should we need to treat your lizard more than once we leave you with the medication and details what needs to be done.
Please note the following, If we have treated your lizard and at a later date it dies we accept no responsibility we only treat minor accidents that you could have done yourself.
DATA Protection, We will require you to sign a accident report and for this your details are held on computer and you can request to view the data, At no point is this data passed to a 3rd party other than the RSPCA Or Police and only when a court orders us to had over details
Between 6am and 6pm please text us and all other times you need to ring us on 07806 654343 please leave a message and we will respond as needed even if we cant help we will make contact with you
Many thanks Paul and Deb